Hello and welcome to the Spiritual light website. The home of Spiritual Healing.

Here you will find all things related to the Spiritual, Holistic and Metaphysical. You can take a course, read books and articles, watch a video and most importantly request healing.


Feel free to look around, all parts of the website are available to guests.

Tai Chi

November 23, 2016 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Tai Chi Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise which can be practiced by anyone regardless of physical capabilities. Even my mother, who was in a wheelchair as the result of polio could do some of the movements. The modern world is fast paced, and yet we sit around a lot, don't we? While modern techn

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Tai Chi

November 23, 2016 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Tai Chi Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise which can be practiced by anyone regardless of physical capabilities. Even my mother, who was in a wheelchair as the result of polio could do some of the movements. The modern world is fast paced, and yet we sit around a lot, don't we? While modern techn

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A deeper understanding and Akashic Records

November 23, 2016 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

A deeper understanding and Akashic Records Right now, there is a huge new sensation about Akashic records. You’ll find that a lot of people are being drawn into Akashic records as a way for them to heal. You’ll find that a lot of people use the knowledge in order to feel safe and secure abo

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Books for sale

November 23, 2016 | Books | Comments (0)

Books For Sale Keep Watching for our book store that's in the pipeline.

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Magnetic Therapy

November 23, 2016 | Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy Perhaps you know someone who wears a copper bracelet to help with arthritis or tendonitis pain. Magnetic therapy works along the exact same lines and is a centuries old form of alternative medicine. Rulers as far back as Cleopatra were known to have worn metallic bracelets and bands

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Spiritual Light

November 23, 2016 | Featured | Comments (0)

Please join our community, it's free. People of all religions are welcome. We are non denominational and here to love and worship as we please.

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